Proper access to power, 380v and 220v AC have two kinds, do not take the wrong. If cargo lifter welded directly to the breaker used on cargo lifter PCB, to ensure a smooth breaker inserted under Lead prevent stick too tight so that the roots under tension breaker role.
Welding To prevent overheating, due to high temperature soldering can cause cargo lifter breaker coil terminals Desoldering, and affect the performance of the reed contacts and may cause component cracking. After welding must be cleaned to prevent solder against harmful substances into the breaker roots.
For hard terminations Huoti breaker, the installation does not allow bending, glass insulators to prevent breakage caused by leakage. Asked to select the socket to prevent too tight or too loose, and to ensure that the socket clean and prevent bad contact terminals for soft breaker, avoid bending back and forth, and to ensure that the roots of no force.
Cargo lifter breaker should be in a dry, cool place to use.